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Confined Space Entry Training

Confined Space Entry Training

The main reason employees die during confined space entry is due to a lack of proper confined space entry training. This training class will thoroughly cover, in theory and also practical exercises, the knowledge that is critically necessary to work safely in Confined Space Entry Operations.

Confined Space Rescue Training

NIOSH data shows that 50% of employee deaths occur when they are attempting to rescue another worker. . Increase staff awareness of the dangers of permit-required confined space entry. Training is accomplished by lecture, scenario participation, demonstration of manipulative skills/performance, and rescue equipment such as atmospheric monitoring equipment.

Confined Space Entry Training Topics Include:

  • Appropriate equipping of personnel and space with safety / rescue devices
  • Proper Lockout / Tagout / Blockout of all necessary energy sources and machinery
  • Selection of proper personal protective equipment
  • Required Non-entry rescue equipment and responsibilities
  • Overview of requirements for an Entry Rescue team
  • Hands-On Training
  • Fall Protection requirements
  • Air Monitoring requirements
  • Set up of proper ventilation
Confined Space Rescue Training
Confined Space Rescue Training at ROI

Confined Space Rescue Training Topics Include:

  • Hazard Identification & Control
  • Ventilation
  • Monitoring Instruments
  • Heat Illness Prevention
  • Basic CPR/First Aid, AED and Bloodborne Pathogens Review
  • Phases of Rescue Operation
  • Patient Assessment and Evaluation
  • Patient Packing Using Backboard
  • Sked System
  • Tripod and Retrieval Systems
  • Knots Lowering and Raising
  • Systems and Anchors

Course Regulation 29 CFR 1910.146

  • (g)(1): The employer shall provide training so that all employees whose work is regulated by this section acquire the understanding, knowledge, and skills necessary for the safe performance of the duties assigned under this section.


  • (g)(2): Training shall be provided to each affected employee:
    (g)(2)(i): Before the employee is first assigned duties under this section;
    (g)(2)(ii): Before there is a change in assigned duties;
    (g)(2)(iii): Whenever there is a change in permit space operations that presents a hazard about which an employee has not previously been trained;
    (g)(2)(iv): Whenever the employer has reason to believe either that there are deviations from the permit space entry procedures required by paragraph (d)(3) of this section or that there are inadequacies in the employee’s knowledge or use of these procedures.


  • (g)(3): The training shall establish employee proficiency in the duties required by this section and shall introduce new or revised procedures, as necessary, for compliance with this section.


  • (g)(4): The employer shall certify that the training required by paragraphs (g)(1) through (g)(3) of this section has been accomplished. The certification shall contain each employee’s name, the signatures or initials of the trainers, and the dates of training. The certification shall be available for inspection by employees and their authorized representatives.