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OSHA Training Los Angeles, CA

Get Certified OSHA Training in Los Angeles, CA!

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal organization committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of those who work in hazardous environments. If you or your team members fall into this category, receiving this safety training is essential to prevent work-related incidents and injuries. 

At ROI Safety Services, we provide a wide range of OSHA-compliant health and safety training courses to help staff prepare for working in a potentially dangerous area. From active shooter to forklift training, we can provide the training you need to remain safe on the job.

Our OSHA Training Services in Los Angeles

Here are some of the training programs we provide:

1. Active Shooter Training

Preparing for the worst-case scenario is essential. With active shootings on the rise, we will provide the training you need to know what to do if you find yourself in this situation. You can increase your chances of survival by receiving formal training, making it essential training that anyone can receive.

2. Confined Spaces

Confined space training is intended to increase employees’ knowledge of the dangers they may find in an enclosed space while also assisting them in better understanding what a confined space is. Employees will exercise more caution and be more aware of possible hazards, leading to fewer injuries.

3. First Aid Training

Protecting or preserving life is first aid’s primary goal. A person can be proficient and keep people safe at all costs with the help of first aid and CPR training. Having first aiders in the workplace is also an OSHA requirement.

4. Injury and Illness Prevention

The primary objective of injury and illness prevention efforts is to stop workplace accidents, hospitalizations, and fatalities, as well as the immense pain and suffering they can bring to employees and the financial burden they place on companies.

5. Forklift Training

Does your job involve working with a forklift? These commercial vehicles can present several hazards and endanger the lives of others, which is why receiving the proper training and learning how to operate them safely is essential.

With a wide range of health and training courses, you can ensure a safe working environment for your employees when you choose ROI Safety Services for your OSHA training!

Health and Safety Facts and Statistics You Should Know

In 2021, 61 incidents were designated as active shooter cases in the United States, and according to OSHA, over 2 million workers experience some form of violence in the workplace.

Forklift accidents alone cause 95 individuals to be injured each day, and one person dies every four days. Pedestrians account for over 36 percent of deaths from forklifts.

Because of training and efforts to mitigate risks in the workplace, injuries are down to 2.7 for every 100 people in 2020 from 10.9 in 1972.

Request Your Free Quote!

Take the first step towards a safe working environment with health and safety training from ROI Safety Services. To learn more or request a free quote, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!