Certified Onsite Construction Safety Training


We Offer Onsite Safety Training for Construction Sites

While the initial reason for improving construction safety may be to comply with safety and health regulations, there are many other benefits to prioritizing construction safety, such as lessening the number of safety hazards and incidents. This is vital because safety hazards and incidents weaken the company’s reputation among industry professionals and regulatory agencies and can incur huge financial cost for the company.

Job Site Audits

Is your team focused on getting the job done, and neglecting the safety procedures that need to be used?

We will go over all of your plans, programs, and records, as well as how your team can easily add this knowledge to their daily tasks to keep them safe and healthy.

Our audits will help you to determine what areas are meeting safety standards, as well as those that are in need of minor corrections, and those that need to be refreshed and implemented.

OSHA-10 Training

This 10 hour course introduces OSHA policies & procedures that you’ll need for compliant construction safety and health.

We will review the scope and application of the OSHA Act and General Duty Clause, and cover safety in areas that are most hazardous for your particular jobsite and day-to-day work.

Forklift Training Huntington Beach, CA

On-site Inspections

Our on-site inspections are where the rubber hits the road so to speak.

We walk the work site thoroughly with a camera and prepare a comprehensive report showing any and all safety violations with recommendations for correction.

We will of course also include our recommendations to fix any issues that are not up to current standards.

Did You Know?

In the United States, for nearly all types of OSHA violations, the maximum penalty is $13,653 per violation.

For a willful or repeated OSHA violation, the maximum penalty is over ten times greater with $136,532 per violation.

Meanwhile, incidents that result in injuries or illnesses have both direct and indirect costs.

According to OSHA, it’s been estimated that employers pay almost $1 billion per week for direct workers’ compensation costs alone.

Avoid these easily preventable injuries and costs with training in construction safety.