We GUARANTEE we will match anyone’s price and beat it by 10%!



Every New Relationship

Begins with a Gap Analysis

We compare the current state of the company to known standards such as OSHA/EPA, State and Local (County/City) Requirements. We do this by performing an audit or GAP analysis which simply means we identify the GAPS within an organization.  Then we develop a plan of action with due dates, focusing on the high-risk items first. We assist you through this entire process to ensure compliance.

The Levels of Compliance




Local – Fire Department or City

A Gap Analysis Has Four Steps to Completion:

  • Identification of Your Current Compliances at all levels:
      1. Where they are satisfactory.
      2. Where they need to be updated.
      3. Where they don’t exist – putting you at risk for non compliance.
  • Establish the Goals for Your Compliances:
    1. What is absolutely required for your industry?
    2. What additional training you should include to ensure the health and safety of your employees?
    3. Is there any essential training required by your state and county in addition to your OSHA Required Training?
  • Compare & Identify the Gaps in Your Current OSHA  Program: 
    1. Add missing training.
    2. Update existing training where needed.
    3. Schedule out the training for the year.
    4. Include “new hire” training programs & schedules.
  • Complete the New Annual Training Program & Review the Plan:
    1. Schedule your training with ROI Safety Services.
    2. Stick to the schedule.
    3. Arrange “new hire training” with ROI Safety Services.
    4. At the completion of the training program, review that plan using the steps above & create a new Gap Analysis & Training Plan for the new year.
ROI Gap Analysis Training

Our Training

  • All of our training, from Forklift to Confined Space Entry are provided on-site to meet your site-specific needs as required by OSHA.
  • We also provide some Online training classes.
  • We have many options to fit your needs and your budget. We work around your unique schedule and needs. 
  • We are extremely sensitive to your employee’s needs and backgrounds. All of our 
  • Classes are offered in Spanish and English.


  • Unlimited Phone Calls and Emails – emails and phone calls will be supported at no additional charge.
  • We are on call 24 hours a day with a guaranteed response time within 8 hours of calling.
  • Emails will be returned within 24 hours.
  • Emergency on-site visits within 24 hours.
Quality Services at ROI Safety Services