Employers Must Provide Sexual Harassment Training!
Have you Complied?
California employers with 5 or more employees (including those located out of state) are required to provide sexual harassment prevention training to all employees.
- Both supervisors and non-supervisory employees must be trained. California considers a supervisor to be anyone with authority to hire, fire, assign, transfer, discipline, or reward other employees. A supervisor can also be anyone who can recommend these actions.
- Includes seasonal, migrant, and temporary workers that have worked one day for the employer
- All new supervisors must be trained within six months of hire or 100 hours worked.
- Supervisory Employees are required to take at least a two-hour course, while non-supervisory employees are required to take at least a one-hour course.
Our Sexual Harassment Training
We send our qualified HR Professional to your facility to conduct the complete training required by California for you and your employees & supervisors such as:
- The definition of sexual harassment under the Fair Employment and Housing Act and Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964;
- The statutes and case-law prohibiting and preventing sexual harassment;
- The types of conduct that can be sexual harassment;
- The remedies available for victims of sexual harassment;
- Strategies to prevent sexual harassment;
- Supervisors’ obligation to report harassment;
- Practical examples of harassment;
- The limited confidentiality of the complaint process;
- Resources for victims of sexual harassment, including to whom they should report it;
- How employers must correct harassing behavior;
- What to do if a supervisor is personally accused of harassment;
- The elements of an effective anti-harassment policy and how to use it;
- “Abusive conduct” under Government Code section 12950.1, subdivision (g)(2).
Discuss harassment based on gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation, which shall include practical examples inclusive of harassment based on gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.

Upcoming Sexual Harassment Training
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When Must This Be Done?
- Every 2 years
- At least two hours of effective training to all supervisory employees on the prevention of sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation.
- All new supervisors must be trained within six months of hire or 100 hours worked.