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Title 22 Hazardous Waste Training California


Get Your Title 22 Training in California

Are you looking to get your Title 22 certification in California? We can help.

Ensure the safety of industrial sites by disposing of hazardous waste properly. Become trained on hazardous waste handling and management in accordance with California Title 22 laws. Don’t wait – join this training today!

This course is ideal for those wishing to learn how to safely manage and handle hazardous waste at industrial worksites. The content provides the necessary education and preparation to meet Title 22 CCR 66262.34 and Title 22 CCR 66265.16 requirements. When you complete this training, you will be certified and qualified to pursue a career as a DOT Hazmat Employee or similar role requiring this certification.


Why Take A Title 22 Training Course?

Companies in a variety of industries such as chemical manufacturing, mining, metal fabrication and petroleum refining need to hire workers with Title 22 certification to safely manage hazardous waste. Those certified are then responsible for either Large Quantity Generators (LQGs) or Small Quantity Generators (SQGs). LQGs produce 1000kgs of hazardous waste per month whereas SQGs generate less than that. It is critical for those investing in this training to be familiar with the regulations outlined in Title 22 documents so as to avoid any potential risks or penalties related to improper disposal.

hazardous waste

California Title 22 Hazardous Waste Generator Training

  • Understand the necessity of following hazardous waste regulations
  • Have the ability to define hazardous waste
  • Know the waste generation process
  • Understand the non-RCRA and RCRA waste classifications
  • Understand the waste generators, how they work, three types of waste generators.
  • Process of waste accumulation at the sites
  • Safety protocols to follow during accumulating hazardous waste
  • Internalize the basic terminologies of toxicology
  • Know the steps of record-keeping and reporting
  • Filling Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest accurately
  • Recognize the need for emergency response training and how to conduct it
  • Know the difference between state vs. federal hazardous waste
hazardous waste training

Take Our Title 22 Hazardous Waste Training

Are you a hazardous waste generator in the state of California? Our course is essential for you if you do any of the following: manage hazardous waste, handle it, package, mark or label it, store it onsite, or inspect its storage areas. Even if your work lies in corporate law, contracting or waste brokering and disposal, our California Title 22 hazardous waste training could be useful to you. Please bear in mind that this course only meets regulations for hazardous waste generators in California.


Choose ROI Safety Services for Certification

This course has been developed with the help of professionals who have worked in hazardous environments for decades, making it a reliable and trustworthy resource. We have ensured that the course is engaging and interactive through practical examples – something that other courses on Title 22 may lack.

Please call us at (714) 520-1608 or use the online form to start today!

Title 22 Training West Covina, CA

All California Title 22 Training Locations